In addition to our daily, paid-subscription newsletter,
EnviroPolitics, we publish three environmental information resources that are
totally free but still
filled with valuable content.
One of them is
Enviro-Business News. It carries summaries and links to news stories and press releases about businesses and organizations that are involved in environmental industries and services. Think: environmental law firms, engineers, consultants, developers, utilities, industries, etc.
We think that signing up for our free
Enviro-Business News email alerts is not only a good way to keep up on what’s happening to other folks in environmental businesses, but also a good way to get the word out about
your business, organization, project, etc. Yes,
we accept and use relevant news releases and we
won’t charge you a penny for the service.
Some smart, marketing-minded folks have caught on and supply us with news releases on a regular basis. Others (surprisingly including some subscribers to our daily newsletter) still haven’t gotten around to putting us (
editor@enviropolitics.com) on their media distribution list or passing on our address to their PR firm or staffer.
We think they’re missing a terrific opportunity since the folks who read Enviro-Business News are some of the most active and influential leaders in a variety of environmental endeavors. (We could drop some heavy names here, but you know who you are)
Yesterday, we sent out a teaser piece to a number of folks on our email list (if you’re among them, we apologize for the duplication but maybe you still need a reminder to sign up).
It said:
Our latest Enviro-Business News includes these stories:
New Jersey and Pennsylvania law firms to merge
Reed Smith cutting associates’ salaries by 10%
R. Timothy Weston re-elected to university board
Albany-area Home sales fall 23% in April
Transload America executive touts ‘waste-by-rail”
Solar-powered wastewater treatment plant in NJ
To see all the above stories and receive free alerts when new items are added, sign up today and receive this valuable service without charge or obligation.
Just send a blank email to: enviro-business@aweber.com Then watch your email for a one-step confirmation message.
Bonus: Submit news about your company or organization. If it’s suitable, we’ll print it without charge. Send your release to: editor@enviropolitics.com
So, why are you still reading this? You should be signing up RIGHT NOW for this great, free service AND (after subscribing) finding out about the stories behind the headlines above, AND passing our email address onto your PR folks.
Get a move on now. It’s Friday and before you know it you’ll be slapping chicken parts on the barbecue and all this great advice will (poof) go up in smoke.
Oh, in case you’re wondering what the other two free informational resources alluded to way back in paragraph #1, they are our:
Enviro-Events Calendar
(check it out for lots of interesting events coming up this weekend, during the month of June, and beyond)…and, of course….
the excellent, though occasionally self-serving (as in this post) EnviroPolitics Blog that you’re currently reading.
Care to comment? Click on the tiny “comments” line below and have at it.
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