From the NY Solid Waste & Recycling Newsletter International Compost Awareness Week! -Cool the Climate! May 5 to May 11, 2019 Join the NY State Department of Environmental Conservation as we highlight the importance of compost for soil health and climate resiliency. |
Compost returns organic matter and nutrients to the soil, increases water holding capacity and provides resistance to drought and disease, among many other benefits. Composting at Home Making compost takes some care; add greens, browns, water and air. Composting at home allows you to manage your organic material (yard trimmings and food scraps) right in your own backyard. Composting at home is as easy as building your own composting bin, buying one, or composting inside with a worm bin. Use your homemade compost to add valuable nutrients to your garden beds. Learn more about home composting If you’re interested in composting your food scraps, but don’t have the space or desire to do it yourself, look for an organics collection service or food scraps drop-off spots in your community. Find a Home Composting Workshop Near You! What is New York doing? New York State recently passed Food Donation and Food Scraps Recycling Legislation. Starting January 1, 2022, large generators of food scraps (generating an annual average of two tons per week or more) must separate and donate edible food and recycle all remaining food scraps if within 25 miles of an organics recycler. Composting helps achieve New York’s progressive waste reduction goals as outlined in the New York State Solid Waste Management Plan, Beyond Waste. There are more than 190 regulated compost facilities in NYS creating jobs, business opportunities and healthy local soils. Young Professional Webinar Series – The New Composter There is a groundswell of young entrepreneurs tackling the collection and recycling of food scraps. In the first of a two part webinar series, join the U.S. Composting Council May 7 from 4 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. to hear from Susan Thoman (Compost Manufacturers Alliance) and Gary Nihart |