Prospertown Lake in Jackson Township, New Jersey.

By Shore News Network

JACKSON-The proposed 200-acre sports complex that once boasted a new stadium for Governor Phil Murphy’s Sky Blue FC Women’s soccer team has residents of Jackson Township upset over the mass clearing of land along protected waterways along the banks of Prospertown Lake.

Marc Covitz, a nearby resident of Millstone is leading the charge and has collected over 6,000 names on a petition to stop the project before it starts.

“Trophy Park is a massive sports complex planned to be built on 200 acres of Great Adventure/Six Flags property in the Pinelands forest of Jackson Township on the southern shore of Prospertown Lake, and would extend west to Hawkin Road,” Covitz said. “The plans call for clear-cutting thousands of trees in order to construct a 6,000 seat soccer stadium, two 98-room hotels, a dormitory and temporary housing for 2,000 players per week, 23 full-size athletic fields, a 400,000 sq ft indoor sports facility, an 800-seat dining hall and on-site restaurants and concessions.”

Apparently, Governor Murphy agreed and he pulled his women’s soccer club from the project, but state officials and authorities are still giving the project their full support.

“We believe the development will pose detrimental effects to the quality of life for residents in the surrounding towns due to extreme traffic congestion and gridlock and will cause severe effects to Prospertown Lake, the Pinelands and the numerous threatened and endangered species that inhabit the forest,” Covitz added.

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