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Everybody wants to know:
How can I handle my food waste???

 At the NJ Composting Council Organics Waste Management Summit we’re excited to share case studies and experiences from companies addressing the challenge that’s on every resident, business and municipalities mind: How can I handle my food waste? 

Just last week Governor Murphy issued a conditional veto on a food waste billed aimed at large generators. While we hope an improved bill will pass soon, all stakeholders must be ready. 

Strategies must be in place to capitalize on this opportunity for economic growth, job growth and reduction in environmental harm from not just large generators but at a local lev! With that in mind we’re delighted to host the Curbside and Community Organics Pickup/Drop Off panel

Speaking on this panel will be:
Eileen Banyra, founder of Community Compost Co., is a city planner turned soil farmer. CCC collects and processes food scraps from Northern NJ, selling the compost to a diverse set of customers including Whole Foods.

Greg McCarron, Vice President of SCS Engineers. SCS has extensive experience designing facilities of all sizes, including decentralized composting facilities designed to handle community-wide and town-wide food scraps and organic materials, and can provide solutions to your community’s needs for organics management.

Brett Hoyt, VP of Sales and Marketing for Sustainable Generation. Their Gore Cover, ASP bunker systems are only the final step in the communities he’s seen establish food waste programs and will share those case studies. Get your tickets to the Organics Summit today! 
Know a municipality that needs a PO order? please contact us immediately.  Copyright © 2019 NJ Composting Council, All rights reserved.

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