TRENTON – Today, Governor Phil Murphy signed the following environmental bills into law:

     A2732 (Andrzejczak, Dancer / Van Drew) – Clarifies that use of propane-powered noise making device is allowed as a non-lethal method of wildlife control on farmland.

     A4579 (Lopez, Pinkin / Sweeney, Oroho) – Appropriates $28,883,557 in 2003 and 1992 bond act monies for loans for dam restoration and repair projects and inland waters projects.

     A4733 (Taliaferro, Houghtaling, Downey / Gopal, Cruz-Perez) – Appropriates $15,000,000 from constitutionally dedicated CBT revenues to State Agriculture Development Committee for municipal planning incentive grants for farmland preservation purposes.

     A4735 (Houghtaling, Verrelli, Taliaferro / Cruz-Perez, Gopal) – Appropriates $1,591,000 from constitutionally dedicated CBT revenues to State Agriculture Development Committee for grants to certain nonprofit organizations for farmland preservation purposes.

     A4736 (Armato, Freiman, Murphy / Oroho, Gopal) – Appropriates $8,896,229 to State Agriculture Development Committee for farmland preservation purposes.

     A4748 (Pintor Marin, Chiaravalloti, Quijano / Greenstein, Bateman) – Authorizes NJ Infrastructure Bank to expend additional sums to make loans for environmental infrastructure projects for FY2019.

     A4751 (Freiman, Tully, Murphy / Codey, Bateman) – Appropriates $15.696 million from constitutionally dedicated CBT revenues to DEP for State acquisition of lands for recreation and conservation purposes, including Blue Acres projects.

    S679 (Bateman, Smith / DeAngelo, Mukherji, Danielsen) – Increases civil penalties for certain natural gas or hazardous liquid facility safety violations.

     S3186 (Codey / Mukherji, McKnight, Schaer) – Amends list of environmental infrastructure projects approved for long-term funding for FY2019 to include new projects and remove certain projects.

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