Trump doesn’t plan to nominate Christie to be the country’s next attorney general. 

Matt Arco reports for

President Donald Trump selected a new U.S. attorney general Friday, and it’s not former Gov. Chris Christie, who has coveted the position and was a contender. 
Trump announced he plans to nominate William Barr, who served as U.S. attorney general under then-President George H.W. Bush’s administration.
Christie was one of a few people who remained on Trump’s shortlist, a source familiar with the situation confirmed to NJ Advance Media last week.
The list has whittled down in recent weeks, but Christie — a longtime friend and ally to Trump, a fellow Republican — was still “a top contender” and “checks all the boxes,” according to the source.
New Jersey’s 55th governor long has coveted the position. After Trump pushed former Attorney General Jeff Sessions out of as the country’s chief law enforcement officer Wednesday, Christie’s name emerged as a possible replacement.

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