Michael Hill reports for NJTV News:

Environmentalists oppose the North Bergen Liberty Generating Plant. A subsidiary of Mitsubishi wants to build the fracked gas-fired plant in New Jersey and have its electricity power Manhattan. Critics say that’s incompatible with candidate and Gov. Phil Murphy’s pledge.
“I remain and we remain committed to a new energy master plan, one that we have not had in a long time in this state that would see our state achieve 100 percent clean energy by the year 2050,” Murphy said last December.
Environmentalists feel empowered by the governor’s words and on Tuesday made a big demand of the governor.
“Today we’re calling on Gov. Murphy to sign an executive order putting a moratorium on all new power plants that are from fossil fuels,” said Jeff Tittel, director of the New Jersey Sierra Club.
Murphy replied to the plan on Tuesday, saying, “I always scratch my head with something that is being done here that some other state will benefit from, but beyond that I don’t an opinion.”
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