Dear Friend of Recycling,

The Association of New Jersey Recyclers (ANJR) invites you to take a look and ‘like’ its new Facebook Page. The social media site is designed to keep you up to date with recycling news–and with ANJR activities and events.

It also offers a valuable platform on which you can share, with a wide audience, information and photos about your recycling business or your county or municipality’s recycling accomplishments.  

You also can find us at @ANJR2017 or by typing: ‘Association of New Jersey Recyclers’ into the search box at the top of your Facebook page.

Help us build the outreach of New Jersey’s recycling community by ‘liking’ our page and by sharing it with your colleagues and friends

And join in the fun by sending your news and photos to ANJR’s Facebook manager at: 

Thanks for your time and support of recycling. 

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