Michelle Brunette reports for the Atlantic City Press:

A bill to restart the Fishermen’s Energy wind farm project for the ocean off Atlantic City passed an Assembly committee Thursday and now moves to the full Assembly.

It would require the state Board of Public Utilities to open a 90-day period for the submission of an amended application for a wind energy project in state waters offshore of Atlantic City.

While Fisherman’s Energy is not mentioned by name, it is the only such wind project that meets the criteria of the bill, A-2485, sponsored by Vince Mazzeo and John Armato, D-Atlantic; and Wayne DeAngelo, D-Mercer, Middlesex.

Paul Gallagher, an attorney and Fishermen’s Energy’s chief operating officer, said the company is ready.

“We have been quiet, but maintained our permits and our relationships,” Gallagher said. “This project is fully permitted and ready to build.”

If all moves quickly at the BPU, he said the project could begin in the fall.

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