Natural gas compressor station off Bordentown-Chesterfield Road (Carl Kosola,Burlco Times)

David Levinsky reports for the Burlington County Times:

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has given a utility company the go-ahead to put its natural gas compressor station here into service over objections from the governing body and neighboring Bordentown Township, as well as residents and environmental groups.

The federal agency informed Oklahoma-based Williams Transco on Friday that it can begin operations. In its notification letter, the commission said the authorization was based on its review of the company’s recent construction reports and a Feb. 6 field inspection of the station site, which is off Route 528 near the two towns’ border.
“We find that Transco has adequately stabilized areas disturbed by construction and that (site) restoration is proceeding satisfactorily,” wrote J. Rich McGuire, director of the FERC’s Division of Gas-Environment and Engineering, in the authorization letter, which was posted on the agency’s website.
The letter did not address objections from Chesterfield, Bordentown Township, environmental groups or the nine residents who sent written comments to the agency in opposition to the utility’s request.
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