**UPDATED AT 12:55 a.m. on Dec. 13, 2017 to add related story**

Sam Pesin, the leader of Friends of Liberty State Park, has been warning everyone who will listen that the NJ Department of Environmental Protection has been secretly planning to turn the popular southern end of the park–currently available to the public for picnics, jetty fishing, or viewing the Statue of Liberty and New York Bay–into a private marina for the rich. 

Park protectors tell NJ Gov. Christie: Keep your hands off

Now he has proof—artist sketches of the waterfront property and adjoining acreage that the state would lease to a Texas developer for 50 years.  Moreover, Pesin fears that outgoing Governor Chris Christie will try to enter close the deal before he leaves office in January.

David Cruz of NJTV News has the interview (click arrow in photo).

Related story:

Details emerge about new Liberty State Park marina

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