New Jersey Assembly Chamber viewed from its gallery

By Frank Brill, EnviroPolitics Editor

Additions were still coming in at 6 p.m. Friday but you now can be relatively sure that the lists below contain all the environmental bills likely to be considered during Monday’s (12/16) voting sessions in both houses.


A1212 – Clarifies intent of P.L.2007, c.340 regarding NJ’s required participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.

A3726 – Requires large food waste generators to separate and recycle food waste and amends the definition of “Class I renewable energy.”

A4382 – Requires paint producers to implement or participate in paint stewardship program.

A5518 – Establishes the “Alternative Fuel Vehicle Transportation Financing Commission” to examine the manner in which alternative fuel vehicles may be taxed to contribute to the cost of maintaining the State transportation system.

A5552 – Concerns provision of energy to certain manufacturing facilities by providing exemptions to certain energy-related taxes.

A5854 – Allows municipalities to adopt an ordinance to enter properties to perform lead service line replacements.

A5971 – Authorizes NJ Infrastructure Bank to expend additional sums to make loans for environmental infrastructure projects for FY2020.

A6014 – Establishes NJ Climate Change Resource Center at Rutgers University, appropriates up to $500,000.

ACR250 – Urges NJ Sports and Exposition Authority and DEP to take immediate action to close and cap Keegan Landfill.

S1683 – Concerns regulation of solid waste, hazardous waste, and soil and fill recycling industries.

A4267 – Concerns regulation of solid waste, hazardous waste, and soil and fill recycling industries.

S3215 – Requires State to use a 20-year time horizon and most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Assessment Report when calculating global warming potential to measure global warming impact of greenhouse gases.


S3457 – Appropriates $450,000 for Hooked on Fishing-Not on Drugs Program.

S3920 – Concerns provision of energy to certain manufacturing facilities by providing exemptions to certain energy-related taxes.

S3985 – Expands the definition of “qualified offshore wind project” to include “open access offshore wind transmission facility.”

S4162 – Establishes NJ Climate Change Resource Center at Rutgers University, appropriates up to $500,000.

SCR180 – Urges NJ Sports and Exposition Authority and DEP to take immediate action to close and cap Keegan Landfill.

A1212 – Clarifies intent of P.L.2007, c.340 regarding NJ’s required participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.

S611 – Clarifies intent of P.L.2007, c.340 regarding NJ’s required participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.

S874 – Requires State’s full participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.

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