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One little eel, two little eels…

From the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

Are you looking for an outdoor volunteer opportunity? The Hudson River Eel Project is seeking community members to help study eels in streams of the Hudson River estuary. The American eel (Anguilla rostrata), a migratory fish, is hatched in the Atlantic Ocean and enters North American estuaries, including the Hudson River, as tiny, see-through “glass eels” each spring.

As a volunteer, you will work in a team with scientists to collect these eels from specialized nets, count the fish one-by-one, weigh them in groups, and release them to habitat upstream. You will also help collect and record water temperature and water-quality data. 

Eels are counted in 15 streams from Staten Island to Troy. The fieldwork takes place from March through May, and schedules are flexible. Training and all gear are provided. 

For more information, visit DEC’s website or e-mail: eelproject@dec.ny.gov.

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