Hummer backing up

David Masur
, executive director of PennEnvironment, with offices in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, is encouraging the members of his organization and others to let the nation’s three major automakers know that Americans do not support the current efforts of Detroit and the Trump administration to reverse progress on automobile mileage standards.  

Masur writes:

Dear _____,

Nearly a decade ago as the recession was crashing down on our economy, Detroit’s “Big Three” automakers were scrambling to stay afloat after putting all their eggs into the basket of big, gas guzzling SUVs—a vehicle that the public had little desire to buy with rising gas prices at the pump.

Now those same auto companies just convinced the Trump administration to overturn climate-fighting fuel-efficiency standards that would have cut global warming pollution by 6 billion tons by 2030.  Those standards drove the industry to innovate with fuel-efficient cars, hybrids and now electric vehicles. [1]

If the whole thing sounds like a story you’ve heard before, you’d be correct.  For years, the auto-industry fought these same fuel-efficiency standards as they tried to build bigger and bigger SUVs. Even as hybrid cars like the Toyota Prius were selling like hotcakes, Detroit’s Big Three continued building larger SUVs.  And inevitably their failed products helped lead to a multibillion-dollar bailout by us, the American taxpayers—hoping they’d learn their lesson. 
Instead, last week major auto-makers sat down with President Trump to persuade him to undo the very fuel-efficiency standards that helped cut pollution and save their industry.

It’s time for the U.S. to put cars that burn too much gasoline in our rear-view mirror. Unfortunately, the order this week by Trump’s EPA is a green light to keep making dirty gas guzzling cars that pollute our air, endanger our health and threaten our children’s future.

David Masur
PennEnvironment Executive Director

PS—forward this to your friends and family and tell them to take this urgent action TODAY!

[1]  “Trump targets Obama’s global warming emissions rule for cars“, The Hill, March 15, 2017.  

If you click on either of the links above you’ll be taken to a form. Enter your name, e-mail address, etc., and a letter to the big three will be automatically generated and sent.  

It’s an easy way to help pressure the automakers. It’s also a clever marketing technique, as the information supplied helps
PennEnvironment build its database for future communications and, no doubt, fundraising requests. 

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