Like the Kennedy’s and Bush’s, it’s the family business.

Adam K. Raymond reports in the Daily Intelligencer:

Just when you thought the Clinton family’s time in electoral politics had reached an end, the New York
 Post has a report today that says Chelsea Clinton is being “groomed” for a congressional run.

The seat Clinton is reportedly eyeing is currently occupied by Democrat Nita Lowey, who was just reelected for her 14th term representing New York’s 17th Congressional District in Westchester County.

The Post’s source says Clinton, who lives in Manhattan but is expected to move into a home next door to her parents’ Chappaqua residence, will run for the seat when Lowey retires.

“While it is true the Clintons need some time to regroup after Hillary’s crushing loss, they will not give up. Chelsea would be the next extension of the Clinton brand. In the past few years, she has taken a very visible role in the Clinton Foundation and on the campaign trail. While politics isn’t the life Hillary wanted for Chelsea, she chose to go on the campaign trail for her mother and has turned out to be very poised, articulate and comfortable with the visibility.”

This isn’t the first time Clinton’s name has come up in connection to Lowey’s seat. Five years ago, New Rochelle Talk reported that Chelsea Clinton was planning to run upon Lowey’s expected retirement in 2012. Two terms later, the 79-year-old shows no sign of slowing down.  

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