New York State on PAUSE, Updated Public & Stakeholder Participation Information

Governor Cuomo has issued a PAUSE Order directing non-essential meetings/gatherings to be suspended or canceled.

As a result, at this time DEC is canceling the public hearings previously scheduled for the following proposed rulemakings and extending the comment periods for these rulemakings for 30 days.

Proposed Subpart 225-1, Fuel Composition and Use – Sulfur Limitations – Comment period will be extended to 5/15/2020.

Proposed Part 248, Use of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel and Best Available Retrofit Technology for Heavy Duty Vehicles – Comment period will be extended to 5/15/2020.

Proposed Part 230, Gasoline Dispensing Sites and Transport Vehicles – Comment period will be extended to 5/21/2020.

Proposed Part 231, New Source Review for New and Modified Facilities – Comment period will be extended to 5/21/2020.

Proposed Part 235, Consumer Products – Comment period will be extended to 5/21/2020.

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