Eric Strauss of NJBIZ reports this afternoon that:

New Jersey’s longtime acting attorney general, John J. Hoffman, is headed to the world of academia.
Hoffman, who has served as acting attorney general since June 2013, has been named Rutgers University’s senior vice president and general counsel, effective March 14, the college announced in a news release Thursday.
“I am deeply impressed by John’s intelligence and legal acumen, the wide range of statutory and regulatory issues he has handled, and his record of excellence in state and federal service,” Rutgers President Robert Barchi said in a prepared statement. “I am eager to bring his leadership and expertise to Rutgers.”
Hoffman replaces Monica C. Barrett, formerly the interim senior vice president and general counsel. She left Rutgers for a New York law firm as of Jan. 1.
“After nearly 20 years of state and federal government service, I am thrilled to be joining this iconic institution that has for centuries trained our leaders of tomorrow,” Hoffman said in a statement. “I strongly believe in Rutgers’ ever-expanding mission, as well as the dynamic leadership role that it plays within the state, and I look forward to joining President Barchi and his exceptional team.”
Before becoming acting attorney general, Hoffman was executive assistant attorney general under Attorney General Jeffrey Chiesa. He has also worked in the state comptroller’s office, as well as at the U.S. Department of Justice and as an assistant U.S. attorney.

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