A couple dozen protesters marched from the NJ State House yesterday, chanting their objections to the proposed PennEast Pipeline, Brenda Flanagan reports for NJTV News. (Video above)

The 36-inch-wide underground pipeline would carry a billion cubic feet of compressed natural gas every day– from fracking operations in Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale formation — along a 118-mile corridor that crosses the Delaware River and then runs southwest in New Jersey, through what protesters called preserved farms and forests.

“They don’t care about our environment, about our communities, about our kids, about our families, about our creeks, rivers, forests and farmlands. They have made clear they are going to try to pass this pipeline thru no matter what it takes,” said Delaware Riverkeeper Maya Van Rossum.

“The DEP better do its job and not permit this pipeline. We’re also here today to tell the governor we don’t need another fracking’ pipeline in this state. We got too many of them,” said NJ Sierra Club Director Jeff Tittel.

The six utility companies that comprise PennEast include PSE&G and South Jersey Gas. They filed a formal application last week with FERC — the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission — and produced a website and videos promoting the $1 billion project. It emphasizes the proximity of the Marcellus Shale’s abundant natural gas supply.

Related news coverage:
PennEast Opponents rally outside PSEG offices (NJ Spotlight)

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