A coalition of New Jersey environmental groups that is challenging the $225 million pollution settlement between Gov. Chris Christie’s administration and Exxon Mobil will be back in court today in Mount Holly.

Lawyers for the coalition will appear before retired Superior Court Judge Michael Hogan, who has been handling the case while acting on recall and who denied the groups’ original motion to intervene.

The New Jersey Chapter of the Sierra Club, Clean Water Action, the Delaware Riverkeeper Network and Environment New Jersey will be represented by Susan Kraham and Edward Lloyd of the Environmental Law Clinic at Columbia University.

NJ State Senator Ray Lesniak
NJ State Senator Ray Lesniak also is appealing Judge Hogan’s rejection of his challenge which was filed separately from the environmental organizations but is in line with their goals.

Sierra Club Director Jeff Tittel explains his organization’s position in the video above.

Senator Lesniak discusses his reasons for challenging the settlement in an interview that you can listen to here.


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