“Almost exactly one year after his administration 
stopped Tesla from selling electric cars at its New Jersey showrooms, Gov. Chris Christie has signed a law to allow it to restart sales,” Matt Friedman reports this afternoon for NJ.com.

“I said last year that if the Legislature changed the law, I would sign new legislation put on my desk and that is exactly what I’m doing today,” Christie said in a statement. “We’re pleased that manufacturers like Tesla will now have the opportunity to establish direct sales operations for consumers in a manner lawfully in New Jersey.” 

Christie got heat from the company — as well as commentators on the right and left — for his administration’s enforcement of a 1970s era law that requires cars be sold through dealerships, even though Tesla had been selling its cars at its Paramus and Short Hills showrooms for some time. 

Tesla has kept those show rooms open, but has not been able to sell the cars — which start at around $70,000 — or discuss pricing. Now, the company will be able to restart sales and open up to two more shops.

Read the full story here.

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