New Jersey dome - between office buildings The third time proved to be the charm today for Robert Barr, Gov. Chris Christie’s
contested nominee to serve on the NJ Pinelands Commission.

The Senate Judiciary Committee early this afternoon released the nomination for a floor
vote despite a wall of opposition mounted by environmental organizations, all fearing that Barr’s replacement of a sitting commissioner, who had voted against a proposed natural
gas pipeline, would insure Commission approval for the South Jersey Gas project.

PolitickerNJ’s Chase Brush quickly filed the following story recapping the action:
Judiciary quietly approves Christie’s Pinelands Commission nominee 

Barr’s nomination had been scheduled for a vote on two previous committee agendas but failed to obtain enough support at either session for the vote to be taken. Today, Senator Raymond Lesniak, who had opposed the nomination, was away. Lesniak’s meeting replacement was Senator Jeff Van Drew, a vocal supporter of both Barr and of the
proposed pipeline.    


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