** CORRECTION – The Judiciary Committee meets at noon on Tuesday, Feb 24**

Maybe the third time’s the charm for Robert Barr whose controversial nomination by NJ Governor Chris Christie to the Pinelands Commission was scheduled by the Senate Judiciary Committee for a vote two previous occasions but not called.

The Barr nomination is listed for consideration again on Monday, Feb. 23, when the committee meets in Trenton.

Why is the nomination causing a fuss?  

Robert Barr

Columb Higgins provides the answer in this Ocean City Gazette piece written after the committee skipped over the  nomination for the second time on January 26, 2015:
Barr’s nomination to Pinelands Commission delayed again Also on the Judiciary agenda is the nomination of Jeffrey Link of Franklinville, for an additional term on the state’s Fish and Game Council.


Bills posted for the Assembly’s voting session at 1 p.m. on Monday include:

A-3455  Chivukula, U.J. (D-17); Mukherji, R. (D-33); Pinkin, N.J. (D-18); Singleton, T. (D-7); Danielsen, J. (D-17)
Amends definition of "Class II renewable energy."
Related Bill: S-2282
A-3583  Eustace, T. (D-38)
Prohibits retrofitting diesel-powered vehicles to increase particulate emissions for the purpose of "coal rolling"; prohibits the practice of "coal rolling".
Related Bill: S-2418
A-4146  Andrzejczak, B. (D-1)
Authorizes DEP and NJ Marine Fisheries Council to regulate taking and management of striped bass; establishes interim taking restrictions.
Related Bill: S-2733
S-2418  Greenstein, L.R. (D-14); Gordon, R.M. (D-38)
Prohibits retrofitting diesel-powered vehicles to increase particulate emissions for the purpose of "coal rolling"; prohibits the practice of "coal rolling".
Related Bill: A-3583

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