Sandy Bauers, the Philadelphia Inquirer‘s GreenSpace columnist on Sunday wrote:

Just when you were sure the world couldn’t possibly get any pinker during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, here’s the latest: a Texas company that is a leading provider of gas and oil-field services is painting 1,000 of its drill bits that signature shade of pink and sending them worldwide.

The bits – bigger than a gallon paint bucket – will arrive in pink boxes with informational pamphlets.

The company, Baker Hughes Inc., also will give the Susan G. Komen breast cancer foundation a $100,000 check at the NFL’s final "pink-out" game Oct. 26 in Pittsburgh.

Jeanne Rizzo, president of the nonprofit Breast Cancer Fund, is all but reaching for the pink Pepto Bismol.

She figured she had ceased being amazed "by the willingness of companies to market themselves through this tragic disease."

Indeed, she originally thought the campaign, "Doing Our Bit for the Cure," was a joke. "I’m thinking it can’t be true," she said. "It can’t be that bad."

Her organization, which advocates for moving "Beyond Pink" – they consider the awareness battle already won – and toward a focus on environmental causes and prevention, has called the campaign "perverse."

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