Soil remediation at Mattiace Petrochemical site in 2004 – Photo:Audubon Magazine

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced in a news release today that
it has finalized its cleanup plan to address contaminated groundwater and soil at the Mattiace Petrochemical Co., Inc. Superfund site in Glen Cove, New York.

Groundwater and soil at the site are contaminated with volatile organic compounds
as a result of previous operations at the site by a chemical distribution and drum-cleaning business.

The final plan amends a prior, long-term cleanup plan and is "intended to improve the effectiveness of groundwater treatment at the site."

The EPA estimates the cost of this phase of the cleanup is approximately $11.2 million.

Groundwater from the Mattiace site flows away from the municipal drinking wells and does not pose a threat to drinking water, the agency said.

Read the full EPA release here

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