PennEast proposed route

A subsidiary of PSEG has joined the project to build a 100-mile gas pipeline from Luzerne County, Pa., through Hunterdon County to Mercer County, the Hunterdon County Democrat reports.

"The subsidiary is PSEG Power, LLC. The company shares a corporate parent with PSE&G. Additional pipeline partners include AGL Resources; NJR Pipeline Co., a subsidiary of New Jersey Resources; South Jersey Industries; and UGI Energy Services. PSEG Power LLC, will have a 12 percent interest in PennEast. The other PennEast Pipeline Company members each will have 22 percent interest.

"The 30-inch-diameter PennEast Pipeline will bring natural gas to Transco’s Trenton-Woodbury interconnection. It is projected to go into service in 2017. According to PennEast, it will transport up to a billion cubic feet of natural gas per day, enough natural gas to supply about 4.7 million homes.
"On Sept. 15 a meeting was held at the Lambertville justice center by the Sierra Club and the Delaware Riverkeeper Network to help foes of the pipeline prepare for battle. The meeting drew hundreds of participants.

"Holland Township will host a meeting about the pipeline at the firehouse on Wednesday, Oct. 1, at 7 p.m.; and Delaware Township’s Township Committee meeting on Monday, Sept. 29, will feature representatives of PennEast. The meeting will start at 7 p.m. at a venue to be announced, with the pipeline discussion loosely scheduled for 8 p.m.

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