Cody Ellis reports for WasteDive

  • As legislative sessions across the U.S. continue, several states are making moves toward banning single-use plastic bags and charging for replacement options. In Washington, for example, SB 5323 passed the state Senate and is in committee in the House of Representatives. An environmental committee already evaluated the bill favorably and recommended its passage.
  • Last week, the Vermont Senate advanced a bill (S.113) that would prohibit single-use plastic bags and expanded polystyrene foam, mandate a fee for paper bags and require vendors to only give out single-use plastic straws on request. Gov. Phil Scott is “not opposed” to the plastic bag ban, according to VT Digger.
  • In Massachusetts, a bill (H.771) that would ban single-use carryout bags and charge for replacement options was the subject of an April 2 hearing. At least 90 communities in Massachusetts, including Boston, already have some sort of restrictions on bags.

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