The state of New Jersey yesterday sought to crack down on unscrupulous alternative energy suppliers who allegedly defrauded customers by telling them they would save money if they switched from their utilities only to see their electric and gas bills skyrocket.

NJ Spotlight reports today:
In three separate civil complaints filed by the Attorney General’s Office, the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, and the state Board of Public Utilities, three third-party suppliers were accused of using misleading and deceptive marketing to urge customers to switch suppliers by offering guaranteed savings.
What those customers typically ended up with, in fact, were huge spikes in their electric and gas bills.
“These three companies allegedly lured consumers with promised monthly savings that turned out to be fictional,’’ said acting Attorney General John Hoffman at a press conference in the Justice Complex in Trenton. “Even worse, consumers who hoped to save money instead saw their bills increase to unconscionable levels.’’

Read the full story here


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