By Sean Adams

A total of 174 students at Penn State’s University Park campus have tested positive for the coronavirus, according to a news release from the university.

Testing results from the campus for the week of Aug. 28 showed 115 positive COVID-19 tests from among the on-demand screenings, and 59 positive results from the random screenings done at the university.

The university is attempting to use contact tracing to notify any at-risk individuals. All of those impacted thus far are students, and are either isolating in their on-campus housing, at home or in single-occupancy off-campus residences. According to the university’s COVID-19 dashboard, 58 students are in on-campus isolation, and another 29 are in on-campus quarantine.

“We know the virus is here, and I am of course concerned by the numbers and trends we are seeing,” said Penn State President Eric J. Barron in a news release. “Our ability to manage transmission and rate of growth of positive cases is critically important. Next week, we will assess data following the holiday weekend, and determine whether we need to take mitigation steps at University Park including temporary or sustained remote learning.”

Barron reiterated the importance of social distancing, particularly in advance of the Labor Day holiday weekend, and discouraged “social gatherings, parties or barbecues” both on and off campus for students.

In the news release, epidemiologist and Penn State associate professor of biology Matt Ferrari said that “this is a very critical moment.”

“It’s vital that students, especially, socialize closely only with roommates, if possible,” Ferrari said. “This is not the time to have friends over, or visit other apartments. Don’t attend gatherings with folks outside your immediate household; wear a mask and maintain distance when you go out.”

Reports from colleges and universities across the state are showing similar outbreaks among the student body.

Earlier this week, students at Gettysburg College were quarantined to their rooms due to COVID-19 cases on campus, and both Temple University and Lock Haven University suspended in-person classes. Bloomsburg University also suspended in-person classes the previous week.

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