Delaware sues major oil companies over climate change
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By Rachel Frazin The Hill

Delaware on Thursday became the latest state to sue major oil and gas companies over climate change, claiming they knew about the issue for decades but participated in a “campaign of deception.”

“Fossil Fuel Defendants had actual knowledge that their products were and are causing and contributing to the injuries complained of, and acted with conscious indifference to the probable dangerous consequences of their conduct’s and products’ foreseeable impact upon the rights of others, including the State and its residents, motivated primarily by unreasonable financial gain,” the lawsuit states. 

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The suit also accuses companies of continuing to mislead the public about the impact of their products on climate change through “misleading and deceptive greenwashing campaigns.

Named in the lawsuit are major companies including Exxon Mobil, Chevron, BP and Shell, as well as major lobbying group the American Petroleum Institute (API). 

“Delawareans are already paying for the malfeasance of the world’s biggest fossil fuel companies,” said state Attorney General Kathy Jennings (D) in a statement. “Exxon, Chevron, and other mega-corporations knew exactly what kind of sacrifices the world would make to support their profits, and they deceived the public for decades.”

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