Senator Bob Casey (D-Pa) is urging the Federal Transit Administration, to begin discussions with stakeholders in the region about extending Philadelphia’s Broad Street line by 1.5 miles into the Navy Yard.

“Increasing reliable transportation services is critical to Philadelphia’s present and future economy,” Casey said. “Extending this line would continue to grow the Navy Yard as an attractive place for businesses. This effort will support the thousands of jobs already at the Navy Yard, and could create more.”

The Public Record reports:

Extending the Orange Line southward has been bruited about for decades. As the City began methodically to redevelop the site after the Navy closed most of its activities there in 1995, transportation became a key planning concern.

In 2008 a team of agencies commissioned the Broad Street Line Extension Feasibility Study. This report found extending the subway could be done relatively cheaply because most of it could be built with a trench instead of by drilling.

Two new subway stops would support “greater residential and commercial uses in a transit supportive manner at a cost of approximately $370 million (in 2008 dollars). The study demonstrates the strong ridership, development potential, and economic benefit for the City of Philadelphia and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,” the study asserted.

The study estimated $4.6 billion in economic impact from the subway extension, as property values soar and new residential and commercial development followed the Orange Line into Navy Yard.

More than 8,000 new boardings a day would make the Broad Street Subway much more efficient than existing bus service, the study found, making it the most cost-effective form of public transit for the area.

The Navy Yard currently supports 130 companies and 10,000 workers, and an extended line could increase the economic benefit to businesses and residents by boosting jobs and tax rateables for the City and State.

Related news stories:
Build Broad St. Subway To Navy Yard, Casey Urges – Philadelphia Public Record
Could the Broad Street Line Expand to the Navy Yard? – Philadelphia Magazine (blog) 

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