The New Jersey Environment and Solid Waste Committee will meet virtually at 2 p.m. on Thursday, October 8 to consider the following bills:

A-2070 (Calabrese/Mukherji) (pending referral) and S-1016 Smith, B/Bateman (pending referral )
Neonicotinoid pesticides-directs DEP to classify as restricted use pesticide

A-2785 (Pinkin) / S-2607 (Smith, B/Greenstein)
Requires land use plan element of municipal master plan to include climate change-related hazard vulnerability assessment.

A-4180 (Houghtaling/Downey)
Revises DEP’s regulation of certain seasonal structures including cabanas under CAFRA.

AR67 (Pinken/Lopez/McKeon)
Urges Governor to make appointments to “Advisory Council on Solid Waste Management.”

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