The environmental organization, PennFuture, notes that, with his 2014 re-election campaign in mind,
Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett is shaking up his administration. He’s appointed a new chief of staff, a new communications director and plans to name a press secretary.

"Yet to be filled, two key environmental positions: head of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and the Secretary of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. To date, no one has been nominated to fill these posts on a permanent basis."

What worries PennFuture is a recent administration hire. 

"Last week, Corbett hired prominent tea party activist, climate denier, and birther, Ana Puig, as the legislative liaison for the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue — at an annual salary of $68,254. Puig founded, co-chaired and served as a registered lobbyist for a local group called the Kitchen Table Patriots."

According to PennFuture,

"Kitchen Table Patriots calls climate change "fraud science backed by the mercenary alarmists in the scientific community and the U.N.

"Puig’s Kitchen Table Patriots hosted an event in 2011 featuring prominent climate denier and Heartland Institute “expert” Steve Goreham. The Patriots’ invitation read:"Learn why the polar bears are not in serious danger. Learn how global warming policies will raise your taxes, boost your electricity bills, and increase the cost of doing business and living our daily lives."

Corbett has shown no sign that he cares a fig about what environmental activists think. Natural gas drilling companies and other fossil-fuel enthusiasts ponied
up more than a million dollars to help him get elected in 2010 and he’ll need every bit of that–and more–this go-round to combat his miserable polling numbers among state voters

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