Waiting in our email pile this morning was something that surprised us.The Delaware River Basin Commission had sent a document reporting the highlights of its most recent public meeting held on May 8. 

The highlights report contains hyperlinks that open full copies of meeting resolutions and the details of every project application that came before the commission for approval.

The most controversial application voted on (and approved) was Exelon Generation’s request to increase the maximum daily water withdrawal from the Schuylkill River for its Limerick Generating Station, a nuclear power plant in Montgomery County, Pa. The meeting summary includes a news release announcing that approval.

DRBC logo

Although the highlights document contains the entire meeting agenda, two potentially newsworthy reports—those delivered by its Executive Director and General Counsel–
are listed but are not accompanied by hyperlinks. This likely is the result of both reports being delivered verbally.

We think the Commission deserves high-five for its meeting highlights report. It’s a public service that other boards and commissions should follow.

How can it be improved? The commission should consider taping reports given by its executive director and general counsel, posting the audio files to its website, and linking to them in future meeting highlight reports.

Do you know of other public bodies that are providing similar e-reports? 
How do they stack up against what the DRBC is doing?  Let us know in the comments block below. If one is not visible, activate it by clicking on the tiny ‘links’ line.

Related environmental news stories:
DRBC Approves Docket for Exelon’s Limerick Generating Station
River use changes sought by Limerick nuke plant likely to be approved

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