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The New Jersey Senate Environment and Energy Committee will meet at 10 am. tomorrow in Room 10 of the State House Annex in Trenton to consider six bills addressing dune and pier reconstruction in the wake of Superstorm Sandy’s devastation.

Here’s the lineup:

S-2599  Whelan, J. (D-2); Greenstein, L.R. (D-14); Beck, J. (R-11)
Requires consideration of increased property value due to dune construction in determining compensation provided for condemned beachfront property.
Related Bill: A-3889
S-2600  Whelan, J. (D-2)
Establishes criteria and requirements for shore protection project priority list and funding from Shore Protection Fund.
Related Bill: A-3892
S-2601  Smith, B. (D-17)
Permits fifth and sixth class counties to assume control and responsibility for operation and maintenance of beaches bordering Atlantic Ocean.
Related Bill: A-3891
S-2602  Smith, B. (D-17)
Repeals law providing CAFRA permit exemption for certain grading or excavation of a dune.
Related Bill: A-3893
S-2680  Sacco, N.J. (D-32); Kyrillos, J.M. (R-13)
Allows development on piers in coastal high hazard areas in certain urban municipalities.
Related Bill: A-3933
SR-100  Smith, B. (D-17); Bateman, C. (R-16)
Urges U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and FEMA to conduct assessment of damage caused by Hurricane Sandy.
Related Bill: AR-152

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