DAVID CRUZ OCT. 31, 2020 11:56 A.M. • 26 COMMENTS

A crowd of people -- some wearing Halloween costumes, others wearing surgical masks -- are packed inside a warehouse for a party.
A crowd of revelers inside a warehouse at 23 Meadow Street in East Williamsburg. NYC SHERIFF’S OFFICE

The New York City Sheriff’s Office busted up an illegal Halloween party at a warehouse in Brooklyn packed with nearly 400 revelers and three walk up bars, and issuing a slew of summonses to eight organizers linked to the party. The latest roundup adds to the string of parties that have been deemed illegal because of the pandemic.

Some of the partygoers were dressed in costumes when deputies stormed 23 Meadow Street in Williamsburg at around 1 a.m. on Saturday. Sheriff Joseph Fucito said his office received of a “potential nonessential gathering” at the location, with deputies soon conducting surveillance. Fucito said deputies heard loud music coming from the warehouse and spotted security guards controlling crowds outside the warehouse. Roughly 150 of those guests were seen wearing costumes, according to Fucito.

After raiding the warehouse adorned in Halloween-themed decorations, they found 387 people inside dancing to the tune of a live DJ, not social distancing, and wearing no masks that protect them from contracting COVID-19

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