John Hanger, Pennsylvania’s former DEP secretary, sounds like a gubernatorial candidate to us.

“I’m engaged in a number of important meetings in the next 10 days. If they go well, I think I’ll have something definitive to say by the end of November or early December,” he told PoliticsPA.

Hanger, 55, served on the Public Utilities Commission during the Republican administration of Gov. Tom Ridge from 1993 to 1998. In 2008, he assumed the top post at the Department of Environmental Protection under Governor Ed Rendell, a Democrat.  

If he jumps into the 2014 Democratic primary, Hanger will have lots of company. Already showing signs of interest are: U.S. Sen. Bob Casey, Montgomery County Commissioner Josh Shapiro, newly re-elected state Treasurer Rob McCord, former Rendell administration official Tom Wolf, and Tom Knox, a former Philadelphia mayoral candidate.

Read the
full PoliticsPA story here


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