Frank Jacobs III photo -The (Trenton) Times 

The Administration of Gov.Chris Christie is taking a science-based approach to restoring Barnegat Bay–a strategy that will produce benefits lasting well beyond the governor’s term
in office, writes NJDEP Commissioner Bob Martin in an op-ed in today’s Trenton Times.

“The governor laid out a clear course of action to reverse decades of ecological decline — a decline that began long before he was elected but that he is committed to ameliorating.We have taken the governor’s directive very seriously at the DEP,” Martin writes.

“Teams of DEP scientists and staff, in collaboration with universities and colleges, educators, scientists and Barnegat Bay area students and residents, local and county officials, legislators, environmentalists and business interests, are working hard on all facets of the governor’s 10-point Comprehensive Barnegat Bay Restoration Plan.

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Martin details actions already taken–and in progress–in his response to environmental critics who are pressing for more immediate steps, including the imposition of maximum pollutant runoff standards and perhaps even a building moratorium in the bay’s watershed.

Finding such criticisms “a bit hysterical,” Martin argues: Taking the next steps aimlessly, minus key science, will not benefit the bay.”

Check out the commissioner’s Apologia Pro Barnegat Sua and then let us know what you think in the comment box below. If one is not visible, activate it by clicking on the tiny ‘comments’ link.

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