Nine energy and environment bills are scheduled for consideration today in three New Jersey Senate committees.

The one likely to draw the most attention is Senate President Steve Sweeney’s S-1322 which clarifies that is the intent of the State Legislature for New Jersey to continue its participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI).

RGGI (pronounced “Reggie””)  is a multi-state pact that maintains an emissions auction and trading mechanism to reduce the
level of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. 

The program requires plants in the region that burn fossil fuels to buy
pollution allowances for the carbon they emit, which they can trade
among themselves. The proceeds are used to fund clean-energy programs in participating states. It took effect in 2008, making it the first cap on
greenhouse gas emissions implemented in the United States.

Governor Chris Christie announced last year that he was withdrawing New Jersey from RGGI on grounds that the program had not been successful in reducing greenhouse gases.

In addition to New Jersey, states in the RGGI are Connecticut, Delaware,
Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island
and Vermont.

Here is today’s legislative lineup:

  Van Drew, J. (D-1); Stack, B.P. (D-33)

Requires municipalities to submit economic growth plans
to DCA for approval of continued participation in the urban enterprise zone
     Feb 27, 2012  – Posted: Senate Community and
Urban Affairs
S-495  Bucco, A.M. (R-25); Oroho, S.V. (R-24)
Establishes Lake Hopatcong Fund, dedicates $700,000
annually from pleasure boat registration fees to that fund, and appropriates
$700,000 for FY2009.
     Feb 27, 2012  – Posted: Senate Environment
and Energy
S-872  Cunningham, S.B. (D-31)
Authorizes incinerator authorities to perform
sanitation, public works, and environmental services.
     Feb 27, 2012  – Posted: Senate Community and
Urban Affairs
S-1322  Sweeney, S.M. (D-3); Smith, B. (D-17)
Clarifies intent of P.L.2007, c.340 regarding NJ’s
required participation in Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.
Related Bill: A-1998
     Feb 27, 2012  – Posted: Senate Environment
and Energy
S-1355  Bateman, C. (R-16); Gordon, R.M. (D-38)
Requires plans, specifications, and bid proposal
documents for certain local public contracts to address soil contamination.
Related Bill: A-1289
     Feb 27, 2012  – Posted: Senate Environment
and Energy
S-1460  Sweeney, S.M. (D-3)
Requires deposit of property tax refunds for certain
industrial sites under federal or State orders for remediation with
commissioner of environmental protection to help ensure compliance.
Related Bill: A-2294
     Feb 27, 2012  – Posted: Senate Budget and
S-1555  Smith, B. (D-17)
Concerns combined sewer overflows; exempts improvements
thereto from 2% property tax cap; requires certain permit holders address such
overflows in capital improvement plans; and appropriates $5 million.
Related Bill: A-2640
     Feb 27, 2012  – Posted: Senate Environment
and Energy
S-1556  Smith, B. (D-17)
Clarifies definition of “on-site generation
facility” in “Electric Discount Energy Competition Act” with
regard to geographic contiguity with end use customer.
     Feb 27, 2012  – Posted: Senate Environment
and Energy
S-1557  Smith, B. (D-17)
Authorizes creation of stormwater utilities for certain
local government entities.
Related Bill: A-2641
     Feb 27, 2012  – Posted: Senate Environment
and Energy
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