Business, government and environmental leaders who subscribe
to EnviroPolitics accessed full versions of the environmental news
stories below in today’s edition

and dozens more:

In Pennsylvania

report on whistleblower’s claims expected Wednesday
Cabot Oil and Gas Corp. did not submit a report to state environmental
regulators as planned on Wednesday that will detail the natural gas driller’s
investigation of a whistle-blower’s claims of spills and cover-ups during the
first years of its Susquehanna County operations Scranton

too late the perils in gas well leases
After Scott Ely
and his father talked with a salesman from an energy company about signing the
lease allowing gas drilling on their land in northern Pennsylvania, he said he
felt certain it required the company to leave the property as good as new New York Times

In New Jersey

BPU moves to block
PSE&G for special incentives
State’s largest utility wants package worth
nearly $900 million for transmission line project  NJ

State Board
questions JCP&L earnings
NJ Board of Public Utilities has decided to initiate a proceeding to look
into allegations that the state’s second-largest utility is earning
significantly more than what the agency has established as a reasonable
return on its investments
NJ Spotlight > Sixteen towns mull dumping JCP&L AP

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