In a guest opinion column in this morning’s Trenton Times, environmentalist Tracy Carluccio writes that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie missed the boat by refusing to sign into law an outright ban on the controversial, natural-gas drilling technique known as hydrofracturing, or fracking for short? 

Ms. Carluccio, who is deputy director of the Delaware Riverkeeper Network, writes that New Jersey  “could have been the first state in the nation to put clean drinking
water before a dirty method of natural gas drilling.” 
Instead, she says, “the
governor has replaced a brilliant pro-active policy with a weak one-year

Check out her arguments at: N.J. should ban fracking now to protect state’s water resources  and let us know what you think in the opinion box below.

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New Jersey Governor Proposes 1 Year Gas Drilling Moratorium

Op-ed: – Fracking has a 60-year safety record
NJ bans fracking. NY un-bans it. PA skips a frack tax


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