Many counties and municipalities are in danger of missing out on a federal grant of up to $20,000 for energy efficiency upgrades at government buildings–from town halls and police stations to public libraries and senior centers.

The good news is that the money is available to any county or town that was not a direct recipient of a Federal Stimulus American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) grant.

Better yet, the grants are available without any matching funds requirement.   

In a letter sent yesterday, NJ State League of Municipalities Executive Director Bill Dressel informed mayors that the grants are being administered through the New Jersey Board of Public UtilitiesClean Energy Program and that the BPU’s Direct Install Program offers up to an additional $50,000 to local governments for energy efficiency upgrades.

Dressel called the BPU grant process “simple and fast” and added that it has “staff available to guide you through the entire process.”

So what’s the catch?  There’s always a catch, right?

Well, yes. The catch is that the funds are only guaranteed until Dec. 31, 2010.

Here’s where you come in, Mr. or Ms. Taxpayer

Don’t let your tax dollars go to help every other county or town in America except yours

Give your freeholder, mayor, and/or councilperson a call and ask them how their grant submission is coming along.  If they don’t know what you’re talking about, advise them
to call the NJ Clean Energy Program at: 866-NJSMART, ext. 4.

The Clean Energy Program’s website has a list of eligible municipalities and counties. Towns that have applied for their free upgrades are highlighted in green (like the environment–and the money your town will save).

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