The governors of New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island and Delaware would all like to claim credit for being the first state to meet some of its energy needs with electricity produced from clean and renewable offshore winds.

Each of the states has proposals from vendors eager to capture first-to-wind-energy bragging rights.

But hold on there, podner. There’s a new contender who could gallop ahead of the Northeast pack.

Writing today in CleanTechnia, Timothy B. Hurst informs us that:

“Texas General Land Office last week awarded leases to Baryonyx, authorizing the company to develop wind farms on three sites, two of which are offshore, with a total potential capacity of 3,000 megawatts.”

The Baryonyx proposals must now begin detailed environmental and engineering evaluations. That puts them behind rivals in the Northeast where such studies already are under way.

But Hurst notes that “aesthetically-based NIMBY opposition isn’t as strong on the Texas coast as it has been in the Northeast.”

So the Longhorn State has a shot at hooking the ocean-first prize.

New York plans U.S.’s largest offshore wind farm
NJ’s offshore wind energy pick is lobbying large
Lanard leaving Bluewater for rival wind developer
NJ offshore wind energy’s new gust of intrigue
Delaware’s off-shore wind park inches ahead

Enviro watchdog nips again at NJDEP heels

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