How do you keep track of environmental events?
What kind?
All kinds…seminars, workshops, conferences, educational and training sessions–all the stuff that can help you get ahead.
And the fun kind, too –movies, socials, green-drinks, hikes and lots of networking events.
Do you poke around through a bunch of newspapers, newsletters, organizational websites?
Or do you just hope somehow the event will find you?
We’d like to propose a better way. It’s comprehensive, easy and (you’ll like this part) FREE.
It’s the Enviro-Events Calendar published and updated 24/7.
Click on the link above to check it out.
Better still, get on our automatic update list.

We’ll send you email alerts when new events are added.

Don’t worry. We won’t bombard you with them. A few times a week at
most. Just enough so that you don’t miss any great opportunities.

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You’re going to love this service because it makes your life so much easier.
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Be sure to tell your friends, too. They need it, too.
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