Thought you’d heard the last word on the Broadwater LNG gas platform proposed for Long Island Sound, didn’t you?

You know, the one that Connecticut’s governor and attorney general nearly had strokes over…the one that New York’s then new incoming governor and a host of environmental and fishing interest buried at sea. Certainly we’ve heard that last of that one, haven’t we?

And what about Crown Landing, the one BP hoped to erect in the Delaware River near Paulsboro, NJ…the one that the state of Delaware torpedoed by taking New Jersey all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court…certainly that one’s a goner, no?

The answer to both is…well, be not so fast in posting those obituaries. While both proposals may still be more dead than alive, they both have pulses, and those pulses registered on the media meters just this week.

For the latest on Broadwater, we point you to: NY AG Andrew Cuomo sues FERC over Broadwater permits.
For a Crown Landing update, check out BP seeks later deadline to build LNG terminal.


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