One of the companies competing for state approval to install wind turbines off the coast of New Jersey today claimed it alone was in a position to deliver ‘green jobs’ to the state as part of the package.

Fishermen’s Energy said in a press release that it is “committed to build its construction, manufacturing, and assembly port facilities in New Jersey, likely in the economically hard hit port facilities of the South Jersey Port Corporation, bringing needed new jobs to New Jersey’s waterfront – including homeporting Fishermen’s Energy planned 340 foot special purpose construction vessel.”

The company says the two leading rivals for the New Jersey project–Bluewater Wind and Winergy Power–have committed to locate their manufacturing support facilities and the ‘green jobs’ that these facilities will create outside of New Jersey.

“Bluewater Wind and Babcock & Brown (its parent company) have pledged to the Governor of Delaware to locate their ports, staging areas, and jobs in Delaware, making Delaware their hub for construction and jobs for the entire Mid-Atlantic, including New Jersey,” says Fishermen’s Energy, while “Winergy has committed to base its corporate manufacturing headquarters in Rhode Island.”

Later this week, Governor Jon Corzine is expected to announce New Jersey’s choice to receive a $19 million grant to develop a 350 megawatt, ocean-wind pilot project. If the project demonstrates that wind energy can succeed without significant environment damage, the state likely will ramp up its demand for ocean-wind power to as much as 3,000 megawatts.

For more, see yesterday’s: DE, RI pick ocean wind firms, NJ’s on deck

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