“WASHINGTON – Approving the Broadwater liquefied natural gas barge Thursday, federal energy regulators took swipes at political leaders in New York and Connecticut who want to keep it out of the Long Island Sound and tossed a hot potato directly into the lap of newly-minted Gov. David Paterson, whose administration can approve or kill it.”

That’s the lead to yesterday’s Newsday story about the latest development in Shell’s controversial proposal to install a liquefied natural gas offloading facility in Long Island Sound. The Hartford Courant’s covered the decision today in State Blasts Broadwater Ruling .

(For more background, see our previous posts: How will Spitzer’s exit affect LNG project? and The latest shot fired in the LI Sound LNG war )

The reaction in the blogosphere has just begun. Early entries include Sphere, Connecticut Energy Blog, Royal Dutch Shell , and SEABGB. No doubt, more to come.

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