The environment is increasingly on the minds of businesses these days. In New Jersey, the state’s largest utility, PSEG broke with precedent (and some of its business colleagues) in endorsing the state’s recently adopted global-warming law that sets firm deadlines for reductions in greenhouse gases.

In New York, officials of the Building Owners and Managers Association International (BOMA) announced a new energy plan for the commercial real estate sector which it admits “accounts for 18% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions and $24 billion a year in energy costs. “

The voluntary plan encourages members of the 16,500-member organization to reduce their use of resources through a seven-step program. It targets a decrease in energy consumption by 30 percent by 2012. Read more in The Daily Green.

Meanwhile, in Oakland California, organizers have announced the formation of a national Green Chamber, a new organization that aims to bring environmentally friendly businesses together for networking, resource-sharing, lobbying and to advance common goals.

As reported in, the Green Chamber starts out with 16 regional directors, who will be responsible for certifying new members from their region, as well as coordinating the activities within each region. The directors also are charged with reviewing each membership application to screen out potential “greenwashers” (those who advertises positive environmental practices while acting in the opposite way).

New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and Rhode Island businesses fall under the organization’s NYC Metro region. It’s director is Joanna Black who can be reached at: or 646.912.2681. The Baltimore/Pennsylvania region’s director is Sherri Loomis – – 301.722.3232.
More at: The Green Chamber.

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