An Assembly committee in New Jersey last week approved A-3301, a bill that would require the state to cut heat-trapping emissions from burning coal, oil and gas by 20 percent by 2020 and 80 percent by mid-century. Those are the same goals Gov. Jon Corzine set in an executive order he signed in February.
The business community sent a mixed message at the hearing. The New Jersey Business and Industry voiced opposition to the bill, while the state’s largest energy utility, Public Service Electric and Gas, supported it (after a key amendment was added to ensure customers wouldn’t simply buy power from out-of-state utilities).
In Pennsylvania, Governor Rendell hasn’t yet unveiled his energy strategy but a leading environmental group last week released a “Climate Change Roadmap” containing 40 recommendations it says will help the state combat global warming. The Pennsylvania Environmental Council said that, if its recommendations are incorporated into legislation, the Commonwealth might realize a 25 percent reduction in greenhouse-gas emissions, by 2025, from 2000.
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