Senate Environment and Energy
Monday, November 15, 2021 – 10:00 AM
Committee Room 6, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ

The committee will consider the following bills:

A317Veterinary facilities-requires annual inspections  
A2360Vehicle, electric-concerns electric public utility service rates for charging  
A5018Environmental infra. proj-req Infra Bank prov incentives, employ local residents  
S3285Vehicle, electric-concerns electric public utility service rates for charging  
S3314Environmental infra. proj-req Infra Bank prov incentives, employ local residents  
S3513Veterinary facilities-requires annual inspections  
S3732Low embodied carbon concrete-estab St purchasing preference; prov CBT tax credit  
S3893Solid waste-increases penalties for unauthorized transportation or disposal  
S4070Environmental assessment req for certain transportation proj-increase thresholds  
S4077Electric school bus pilot prog.-req. EDA develop & implement; prov $15M per year  
S4078Env. infra. proj-modifies list elig. to receive loans from NJ Infra. Bank FY2022  
S4079Environmental infrastructure project funding prog. FY2022-makes various changes  
S4085Shellfish producers, commercial-exempt from prohibition on taking on Sunday  
S4128Fruit & vegetables grown & packaged in NJ, only-req, labeled as local to State  
SCR160Financial Plan, NJ Infrastructure Bank FY2022-approves update  
SR17Fossil fuel projects-urges Governor to impose moratorium

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