The followig bills are scheduled today in the Senate Environment Committee which meets at 10 a.m., Room 6

BillAbstract Current StatusLDOA 
A2360Vehicle, electric-concerns electric public utility service rates for charging SEN6/10/2021 
S1449Liberty St. Park Protection Act; estab. Advisory Committee & DEP related actions SEN2/13/2020 
S3285Vehicle, electric-concerns electric public utility service rates for charging SEN12/14/2020 
S3539Community garden grant program-direct DEP estab. for local govt to support devel SEN3/11/2021 
S3732Low embodied carbon concrete-estab St purchasing preference; prov CBT tax credit SEN5/11/2021 
S4011Water infra. investment plan, State-direct DEP develop; publish addl. info;$200K SEN6/28/2021 
S4058Dogs, cruel tethering & confinement-revise law proh; estab procedure for seizure SEN11/8/2021 
S4101Electric vehicle charging stations-prov. tax credits for purchase & installationDiscussion OnlySEN11/12/2021 
S4148St Capital & park devel proj-dedicate CBT rev for recreation/conservation;$54.5M SEN11/15/2021 
S4149Farmland preservation-approp. CBT revenues for grants to certain nonprofit orgs SEN11/15/2021 
S4150Farmland preservation-approp CBT revenue for mun planning incentive grants;$4.5M SEN11/15/2021 
S4151Farmland preservation-approp. CBT rev to St Agriculture Devel Committee;$60.940M SEN11/15/2021 
S4152Land, recreation/conservation-approp CBT rev, grants to cert nonprofit entities SEN11/15/2021 
S4153Open space acquisition and park development projects;$80.359M SEN11/15/2021 
S4154Farmland preservation-approp. CBT rev. for county planning incentive grants;$18M SEN11/15/2021 
S4155Land, recreation & conserv. including Blue/Green Acres-approp. CBT rev.;$49.932M SEN11/15/2021 
S4214Rate Counsel, Division-consider environmental impact, cert proceedings & appealsDiscussion OnlySEN12/2/2021 
S4231Deer fencing on certain farmland-creates program in Department of Agriculture SEG12/6/2021 

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